Our Projects

For more information on supporting one of NSMA’s current projects, please contact us today.


Court Watch Program

Take the Court Watch Training Program to become a trained court observer at the Stewart Detention Center Court or at the immigration courts in the Metro-Atlanta area. No previous legal training is necessary.


Provide transportation for an undocumented immigrant and/or family to court hearings, doctor appointments, etc.


El Refugio Trips

Travel to the Stewart Detention hospitality house, El Refugio, and then visit with a detainee at the Stewart Detention Center to experience first-hand stories of detainee immigrants. Many of these detainees have no visitors for long periods of time while in detention.


Deportation Bags

When a detainee at Stewart Detention Center is deported, they have nothing to take with them when they return to their homeland. You can provide carry-on bags with men’s clothes, shoes size 8-10 and men’s pants sizes for them to take with them on their trip.

Hospitality Baskets

Provide a basket of goodies, gas cards, and travel food for families who travel long distances to visit their fathers or relatives detained at Stewart Detention Center.


Counseling Centers

If you are fluent in Spanish, you can be an interpreter at one of our counseling centers for immigrants.

Call Campaigns

Contact your U.S. Senators and Representatives to urge them to support a Clean Dream Act and just immigration laws.

Immigrant Rights Events

Support all immigrants by attending Immigrants' Rights Education and Advocacy Days at the Georgia Capitol Building, as well as other events as they are announced throughout the year.


Safe Sanctuary Volunteers

Be a day or evening host while a mother or father is in Safe Sanctuary. You can also provide meals, medical/health services, laundry, spiritual/relational support, and legal services.

Support Freedom University

Provide meals or pay for pizza for Freedom University students when they gather for their classes on Sunday afternoons.


Church Study Groups

Organize a study group at a church for a Bible study or reading of a book on an immigrant story.


Organize a fundraiser for NMSA.


Immigrant Listening Sessions

Participate in immigrant listening sessions and record their stories to share with other faith groups.


Contact us today to find out how you can help.